A world of fiction...

...as well as fact, can be found at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2, the Earth version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Some of the pieces in this blog have been published there. Others, for various reasons - including the fact that the Alternative Writing Workshop hates Robert Thigpen and wants him dead - have not. De gustibus non est disputandum. I hold nothing against these people, who are brilliant, but insane.

Surf over to H2G2 for some of the questions to Life, the Universe, and Everything. The answer, as everyone knows, is still 42.

10 April 2011

Soliloquising on the Chatline

2b r not 2b,
That iz teh ?,
If u shud put up with
Bad breaks and no gl
Or try a ninja move,
And bust up harry.

If u die, u just reroll,
Right? Or end up at the reclaim,
Nuthin to it, m8.
But w8. Sumthin tellz me
It might not be that simple.
What if - just if -
You'd wake up someplace bad,
Someplace evil,
Someplace like...

That's why the old hang on,
I bet, cuz everybody's scared
Of finding out there's no more
And uv lost all ur

So we just think
About it long enough, it makes us
Ante up and pay the nxt month's fee,
Instead of risking waking up in some
Disgusting afterlife that looks like
The Miracle Mile. :(

Hey, lookathere and smileys,
Here comes my gf Feelie,
cucu, m8.